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Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer of Service is almost over!

This past Friday, the Summer of Service students did an "Open Mic Night" reflection on their week. There is only one more week left, and the students wanted to share their creativity with each other. Some people read poems. The following were submitted for the blog:

In Summer Ministries
By Carlissa Cole

In the summer heat, I sweat very heavily.
In the summer days, I stayed and buried; plants.
In the church we painted. In Central Dallas Ministries
We planted. In my heart, I loved to see the beautiful day that I created.
My group and I held our heads high when we saw all of our goals being accomplished.
We loved our plants with much passion.

Musings from late July: A collection of haikus
By Audra Martin

Ridding soil of weeds
Mists of water to parched plants
Shovels in the clay

Brick lined flower bed
Children taught in the garden
Sprinkling cinnamon

Noon rays bake our flesh
Hide in room with no windows
Grumbling stomachs fed

Painting with colors
Making something from nothing
Bonding like family

Leaving sweat and love
Central Dallas Ministries
Pass on: Petunias

We took some great pictures, and painted a mobile mural to donate to another YVC Site!

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